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சனி, 14 ஜூலை, 2018

Atomic Element No. Name Discoverer/​Inventor Year of Discovery/​Invention
1. Hydrogen (H) H. Cavendish 1766
2. Helium (He) Janssen and Lockyer 1868
3. Lithium (Li) Arfwedson 1817
4. Beryllium (Be) N. Vauquelin 1797
5. Boron (B) Guy – Lussac and Thenord 1808
6. Carbon (C) Prehistoric
7. Nitrogen (N) D. Rutherford 1772
8. Oxygen (O) Priestley 1771
9. Flourine (F) Moissan 1886
10. Neon (Ne) Ramsay & Travers 1898
11. Sodium (Na) H. Davy 1811
12. Magnesium (Mg) Guy Lussac 1808
13. Aluminium (Al) F.Wohler 1827
14. Silicon (Si) J.J. Berzelius 1824
15. Phosphorous (P) M. Brand 1869
16. Sulphur (S) Prehistoric
17. Chlorine (Cl) Scheele 1774
18. Argon (Al) Ramsay & Rayleigh 1894
19. Potassium (K) H. Davy 1807
20. Calcium (Ca) H. Davy 1808
21. Scandium (Sc) L. Nilson 1897
22. Titanium (Ti) W. Gregor 1791
23. Vanadium (V) N. Del, Rio 1801
24. Chromium (Cr) Vanquelin 1797
25. Manganese (Mn) Scheele 1774
26. Iron (Fe) Prehistoric
27. Cobalt (Co) G. Brandt 1737
28. Nickel (Ni) Cronstedt 1751
29. Copper (Cu) Prehistoric
30. Zinc (Zn) Prehistoric
31. Gallium (Ga) Boisbaudran 1875
32. Germanium (Ge) Winkler 1886
33. Arsenic (As) A. Magnus Alchemy
34. Selenium (Se) J.J. Berzelius 1818
35. Bromine (Ba) A. Balard 1825
36. Krypton (Kr) Ramsay & Travers 1898
37. Rubidium (Rb) Bunsen & Kirchhoff 1861
38. Strontium (Si) H. Davy 1838
39. Yttrium (Y) J. Gadolin 1794
40. Zirconium (Zr) Klaproth 1789
41. Niobium (Nb) C. Hatchet 1801
42. Molybdenum (Mo) Scheele 1781
43. Technetium (Tc) Segre & Perrier 1937
44. Ruthenium (Ru) K. Klaus 1844
45. Rhodium (Rh) Wollaston 1803
46. Palladium (Pd) Wollaston 1803
47. Silver (Ag) Prehistoric
48. Cadmium (Cd) Stromeyer 1817
49. Indium (In) Reich & Richter 1863
50. Tin (Sn) Prehistoric
51. Antimony (Sb) B. Vallentine
52. Tellurium (Te) von Reichenstein 1783
53. Iodine (I) B. Courtois 1811
54. Xenon (Xe) Ramsay & Travers 1898
55. Caesium (Cs) Bunsen & Kirchoff 1860
56. Barium (Ba) H. Davy 1808
57. Lanthanum (La) C. Mosander 1839
58. Cerium (Ce) Berzelius & Hisinger 1803
59. Praseodymium (Pr) Welsbach 1885
60. Neodymium (Nd) Welsbach 1885
61. Promethium (Pm) J. Marinsky & others 1945
62. Samarium (Sm) Boisbaudran 1879
63. Europium (Eu) E. Demarcay 1901
64. Gadolinium (Gd) Marignac 1886
65. Terbium (Tb) C. Mosander 1843
66. Dysprosium (Dy) Boisbaudran 1886
67. Holmium (Ho) Soret & Delafontaine 1879
68. Erbium (Er) C. Mosander 1843
69. Thulium (Tm) P. Clove 1878
70. Ytterbium (Yb) C. Marignac 1878
71. Lutecium (Lu) G. Urbain 1907
72. Hafnium (Hf) Coster & Hevesy 1923
73. Tantalum (Ta) A. Ekeberg 1802
74. Tungsten (W) J.J. & F.de Elhuyar 1783
75. Rhenium (Re) Noddack & Others 1925
76. Osmium (Os) S. Tennant 1804
77. Iridium (Ir) S. Tennant 1804
78. Platinum (Pt) D. de Ulloa 16th century
79. Gold (Au) Prehistoric
80. Mercury (Hg) Prehistoric
81. Thallium (Ti) Crooks 1861
82. Lead (Pb) Prehistoric
83. Bismuth (Bi) C. F. Geoffroy 1753
84. Polonium (Pa) P. & M. Curie 1898
85. Astatine (At) E. Segre’ & Others 1940
86. Radon (Rn) Rutherford 1900
87. Francium (Fr) M. Perrier 1939
88. Radium (Ra) P. & M. Curie 1898
89. Actinium (Ac) A. Debierne 1899
90. Thorium (Th) Berzelius 1828
91. Protactinium (Pa) S.Soddy & Others 1917
92. Uranium (U) Peligot 1789
93. Neptunium (Np) Macmillan &Abelson 1940
94. Plutonium (Pu) G. Seaborg & Others 1940
95. Americium (Am) G. Seaborg & Others 1944
96. Curium (Cum) G. Seaborg & Others 1944
97. Berkelium (Bk) S. Thompson & Others 1949
98. Californium (Cf) S. Thompson & Others 1950
99. Einsteinium (Es) A. Ghiorso & Others 1952
100. Fermium (Fm) A. Ghiorso & Others 1953
101. Mendelevium (Md) A. Ghiorso & Others 1955
102. Nobelium (No) A. Ghiorso & Others 1957
103. Lawrencium (Lr) A. Ghiorso & Others 1962
104. Unnilquadium (Unq) — 1969
105. Unnilpentium (Unp) — 1970
106. Unnilhexium (Unh) U.S.A. Most recent
107. Unnilseptium (Uns) (Erstwhile) U.S.S.R. Most recent
108. Unniloctium (Uno) G. Munzenberg & Others 1984
109. Unnilennium (Une) Germany 1982