4,5,6,7,8,9 Std. MARCH 2nd Week LESSONPLAN.
Zeal study term 3 lesson plan collection 2020
Lesson Plan 3rd Term 2020

March 2nd week lesson plan
4 th standard all subjects Tamil medium
5th std Tamil
5th std English
5th std Maths
5th std Science
March 2nd week lesson plan
Tamil lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
March 2nd week lesson plan
English lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
Maths lesson plan collection(6,7,8)
6 th maths lesson plan tm topic: Data interpretation
6 th std Maths ( Kootu uruvangalin parappalavum matrum sutralavu )
6 th std MathsTm Topic: perimetre &Area part2
6 th std MathsTm Topic: perimetre &Area part1
6 th maths lesson plan em Topic: perimetre and area 6 th std Maths Tm Symmetry part2
6 th std Maths Tm Symmetry part1
6 th std Maths Em
7 th std Maths Tm
7 th std Maths Em simple interest part 1
7 th std Maths Em simple interest part 2
8 th std Maths Tm topic Geometry constuctions
8 th std Maths Tm topic Stastics
6 th maths lesson plan tm topic: Data interpretation
6 th std Maths ( Kootu uruvangalin parappalavum matrum sutralavu )
6 th std MathsTm Topic: perimetre &Area part2
6 th std MathsTm Topic: perimetre &Area part1
6 th maths lesson plan em Topic: perimetre and area 6 th std Maths Tm Symmetry part2
6 th std Maths Tm Symmetry part1
6 th std Maths Em
7 th std Maths Tm
7 th std Maths Em simple interest part 1
7 th std Maths Em simple interest part 2
8 th std Maths Tm topic Geometry constuctions
8 th std Maths Tm topic Stastics
9 th std Maths Tm
March 2nd week lesson plan
Science lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
March 2nd week lesson plan
Social science lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
4 th standard all subjects Tamil medium
5th std Tamil
5th std English
5th std Maths
5th std Science
March 1st week lesson plan
Tamil lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
March 1st week lesson plan
English lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
Maths lesson plan collection(6,7,8)
6 th maths lesson plan tm topic: Data interpretation
6 th std Maths ( Kootu uruvangalin parappalavum matrum sutralavu )
6 th std MathsTm Topic: perimetre &Area part2
6 th std MathsTm Topic: perimetre &Area part1
6 th maths lesson plan em Topic: perimetre and area 6 th std Maths Tm Symmetry part2
6 th std Maths Tm Symmetry part1
6 th std Maths Em
7 th std Maths Tm
7 th std Maths Em simple interest part 1
7 th std Maths Em simple interest part 2
8 th std Maths Tm topic Geometry constuctions
8 th std Maths Tm topic Stastics
6 th maths lesson plan tm topic: Data interpretation
6 th std Maths ( Kootu uruvangalin parappalavum matrum sutralavu )
6 th std MathsTm Topic: perimetre &Area part2
6 th std MathsTm Topic: perimetre &Area part1
6 th maths lesson plan em Topic: perimetre and area 6 th std Maths Tm Symmetry part2
6 th std Maths Tm Symmetry part1
6 th std Maths Em
7 th std Maths Tm
7 th std Maths Em simple interest part 1
7 th std Maths Em simple interest part 2
8 th std Maths Tm topic Geometry constuctions
8 th std Maths Tm topic Stastics
9 th std Maths Tm
March 1st week lesson plan
Science lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
March 1st week lesson plan
Social science lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
February 4th week Lesson plan
English lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
Maths lesson plan collection(6,7,8)
Feb 4th week
6 th std Maths Tm Symmetry part2
6 th std Maths Tm Symmetry part1
6 th std Maths Em
8 th std Maths Tm
Feb 4th week
6 th std Maths Tm Symmetry part2
6 th std Maths Tm Symmetry part1
6 th std Maths Em
8 th std Maths Tm
Science lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
February 4th week Lesson plan
Social science lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
4 th standard all subjects Tamil medium
5th std Tamil
5th std English
5th std Maths
5th std Science
5th std social science
February 3rd week lesson plan
Tamil lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
English lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
Maths lesson plan collection(6,7,8)
Feb 3rd week
6 th std Maths Tm Symmetry
6 th std MathsTm Topic: perimetre &Area part2
Feb 3rd week
6 th std Maths Tm Symmetry
6 th std MathsTm Topic: perimetre &Area part2
6 th std MathsTm Topic: perimetre &Area part1
6 th std Maths Em
7 th std Maths Tm
7 th std Maths Em
6 th std Maths Em
7 th std Maths Tm
7 th std Maths Em
Science lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
Social science lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
4 th standard all subjects Tamil medium
5th std Tamil
5th std English
5th std Maths
5th std Science
5th std social science
February 2nd week lesson plan Tamil lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
English lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
Maths lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
Science lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
Social science lesson plan collection(6,7,8,9)
9 th std social science
Zeal Study Lesson Plan 3rd Term: Zeal Study Lesson Plan January 2020, February 2020, March 2020 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 3rd Term Book English Medium, Tamil Medium available now. So students studied primary class & upper primary classes at Tamil Nadu Government Approved schools download Also, students looking for Zeal Study Term 1, 2, 3 Lesson Plans follow zealstudy.website
Zeal Study Lesson Plan 3rd Term: Zeal Study Lesson Plan January 2020, February 2020, March 2020 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 3rd Term Book English Medium, Tamil Medium available now. So students studied primary class & upper primary classes at Tamil Nadu Government Approved schools download